Waffle House, so we found one and ate a thanksgiving feast! Actually it was nice, no cleaning, no leftovers, no mess. Just someone waiting on me!

Hope everyone had a great day and was safe! Love ya'll!!
To me there is no greater therapy than that of writing!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:56 PM 1 comments
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:27 PM 5 comments
Well after seeing those pictures of your cantaloupe, or whatever that was, really was the weirdest thing i had seen in awhile. It also inspired me to look for other odd food anomalies! Well tonight while I was straitening up, I am doing a little extra cleaning:
1. because i am nervous about maybe buying a house and all the other things that that would entail...
2. because SHE is coming over for thanksgiving (to our house)...I know, it was my idea. This way it's on our turf and our terms! wanna know any more, e-mail me or text me!!
So anyway, and while i was doing the cleaning i was cleaning out the fridge, and found this in the back.... and no, it is not decorated this way...
This was a chocolate cake, that I won at the Hallelujah party, back in October!!! Hopefully no one on here made this!! This was pushed to the side and never looked at again. It's almost pretty. But oh the smell that came from this was oh so horrible. Enjoy!!!!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:19 PM 2 comments
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Dum da da dum, Here they are, the long awaited, well since last night anyway, updated photos of my new hair! Enjoy!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 2:26 PM 4 comments
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:21 PM 2 comments
So for those of you who haven't been reading my myspace or facebook moods, and haven't heard that I am not feeling very well, Well I am not feeling very well, I am just coughing ( alot ) and all the coughing is making my chest hurt and my throat sore, so i have been craving some homemade chicken noodle soup. So tonight I finally decided to try and make some. I gathered my ingredients and started cooking, well then in the middle of cooking my stupid pot started burning the bottom of my beautiful creation. So i had to think quickly, I transfered all of the soup into my crock pot pot and had to pop it into the microwave. Well, it would have been soupy, but then last minute i decided to add another box of rotini noodles, which soaked up all the soupy part and turned it into some kind of casserole or something, well it wasn't soup but it still tasted great and looked yummy! Here's a pic.............
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:04 PM 2 comments
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Today we celebrated J.T's 16th birthday.. I can not believe that I have a son that is turning 16, man i feel old!!!:) J.T had a great time with all of our family and the wonderful cake that was provided by Christie's Sweet Treats. She did a wonderful job and J.T loved it. He really enjoyed his present, he finally got his xbox 360 that he is always been wanting. Enjoy the pics...
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:59 PM 1 comments
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
What a great time that we had today at the Hallelujah Party. Jamey and I had so much fun working and watching the kids play all the games, and the kids had so much fun dressing up and racking up points to earn their prizes. We had, I believe the last count that I heard from Pastor Michael was somewhere over 100 kids, man that is so amazing. enjoy the pic slide show..
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 3:50 PM 1 comments
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Here are just some of the pictures that Jamey and I took in Savannah. We had such a great time and I wish we were still there. We really enjoyed the lessons and all the fellowship and joking around. Corn anyone???
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 7:07 PM 4 comments
So last night we had young marrieds. I love young marrieds. We learn some very many valuable things and Pastor Michael really brings it all home. I am learning so much.
Last night since it was the day before Jamey's birthday I asked Christie to make a cake ( and a wonderful cake it was too, so chocolatey, moist and smooth, rich and creamy, i could go on and on, but i'll stop for time's sake) ((Thank you so much Christie, you are great and as soon as we cut the other one I will take and post and send you some pics of the little cake that you made.)) and the boys brought some balloons and we sang (and embarrased the junk out of him may I add) happy birthday to him. I also just want to say HAHA (evil laughter) all of you are now forever engraved into my blog page HAHAHA (evil laughter again)!!!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Monday is Jamey's birthday, and no of course he gets no where near as excited as I do about birthday's, in fact there is no excitement at ALL! But I still like to think in my world that he does and that he wants me to make a fuss so that's what I do. So tonight mom,dad, and Tom (Jamey's dad) came over and we ate dinner and cake/icecream and had a great time talking and laughing and just being silly. Happy early birthday!!!! Here is the cake that I made, I am no Christie's Sweet Treats, but I think that I did alright!?!? Everyone ate it and no one keeled over or anything! So yeah!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:24 PM 2 comments
I heard about this festival of sorts at the Newman Wetlands Center here is Clayton County. I was so excited because it was 1. Near by 2. FREE 3.FREE 4. Near by!!! So we decided to go while Jamey still had a Saturday off. We had a great time, they had different types of reptiles and raptors ( no, not like the dinosaurs, birds silly! ) They had a lot of little information stands set up from all kinds of other nature centers in GA. They also had a fun little scavenger hunt and if you completed the paper and turned it back in you got either a free popcorn or free snocone, supercool! We had a great time doing it and saw
a lot o
f neat
things along the way.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:02 PM 0 comments
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