No not that one or the other one, I have recently started getting the "time for a change" hair itch. And as you know i refuse to cut it, so what do i do? I color it. I went darker this time, mainly for something different but also darker for the fall and winter months. I dont know why this time, but i was really scared that i wouldn't like it. I have been all colors from blonde to black, but dying my hair brown was just weird to me. I was pleasantly suprised though. I really like it, it looks really natural i think, it is darker that my real hair color but still brown. As soon as i get some pictures of it dry i will post them. I did find a pic of the stuff that i used and even in the right color, so you can imagine me with this color till then.....

Yay! New haircolor!
I've had the itch for months now for a haircut, but it won't grow if I keep cutting it, so I have a bit of a mullet right now.
Well trimming is supposed to help it grow? right? Stay strong and hang in there.
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