Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Well mainly i am just happy that it is over. So ya'll know where we were today and you know how extremly unhappy i was about going up there and all that jazz, well I will have you know that I was actually very good and well behaved, on my semi best behavior, whatever you want to call it. But i did do some small things to let people know that i was ticked about the day. One thing i did was, last night i decided that since my Thanksgiving was ruined that I would choose not to partake in any thing that had to do with thanksgiving with them, so that means basically that i didn't eat any of their food or drink any of their drinks ! Childish? I don't know, don't really care much either, i did some few other things like call mom and dad, i texted a lot too. But other than that i was nice, and everyone loved me, even their neighbor's. It is funny though, for some reason every time we are around her i lose my appetite, nerves i guess, but tonight SHE asked me "are you a real picky eater" and brooke and i just laughed and i said "me, yeah right"! ha ha ha, that's just funny to me. I will say, this trip wasn't as bad, but there were still some rough patches, i mean it is always hard when everyone is talking to the kids and they say mom, we all get confused as to who they are refering to, her when she says how much they look like her or she decides to stroll down memory lane and whatnot. But anywho, i was so hungry by the time we hit Jonesboro Jamey offered to stop and get me something to eat, well what is the only thing open on Thanksgiving day?........................................................... give up?.......................................................
Waffle House, so we found one and ate a thanksgiving feast! Actually it was nice, no cleaning, no leftovers, no mess. Just someone waiting on me!

Hope everyone had a great day and was safe! Love ya'll!!
Waffle House, so we found one and ate a thanksgiving feast! Actually it was nice, no cleaning, no leftovers, no mess. Just someone waiting on me!

Hope everyone had a great day and was safe! Love ya'll!!
Steph - please come back - I miss you and your posts!!!
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