Last week was Spirit Week at J.T's high school. It seems like only yesterday that I was participating in those fun dress up activities and stoopid things like that, but we loved them. Well kids still love them i guess, I wish that I had taken a picture of J.T everday so you could see all the stuff that he wore. But Friday was Spirit Day. He was very excited about this. He spray painted his hair blue and white (schools colors), made his very own school t-shirt and gave himself some wonderful body art to go along with it! He and 3 other boys won the "Most Spirit Award"! He was so proud. Here are some pics of J.T in his spirit outfit....spirit fingers NOT included.!.

I don't think I ever once participated in spirit week...of course, this was because I went to a school that had "camo day" as one of the options....:sigh:.
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