Saturday, September 20, 2008

Look ma, ponies!!!

Last night Jamey and I took the kids to the Cole Bros. Circus at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. We have been going there for the past couple of years. We missed last year though, but anyways, we love it. We always have so much fun. When we got there, they had the elephants out in a pin and we were so close to them that it was crazy, we got some really good pics with them in the background. We bought the V.I.P tickets so that we could be right up front and close to the action. We were so close that a clown "cried" on us and the wheel walking guy jumped down off the wheel and landed right in front of us! We had a great time, especially Jamey, he turns into a total kid at these things. He was so excited about seeing the elephants up close, made me drive around back so that we could sneek a peak at the ponies and camels, had to have a snocone (so did I) and looked like a little kid while eating it out of his purple tiger cup!! He is totally cute, he is so young at heart. He may have had more fun than some of the other children that were there! I love you baby, you make me smile. All in all we had a great night and got some cool pics of the whole thing as well.

Ohh, duh, I finally found something that i could totally run away to the circus and do. My favorite act was these girls they called the "Hair raising girls" that hung by their hair and just danced in the air. Umm, I could so do that!!!


4get2remember said...

I get a headache just from putting my hair in a way I could do that!! ha!