Well, I must say that God can do anything. He can turn even the vilest of hearts to the softest of fluffyness. Today she (she= Deana, uhh that name sends shivers all throughout my body) anyway, she actuall called today to talk to the kids, well they weren't around so she asked Jamey how he thought that saturday went. So Jamey told her, about the time she wasted not seeing the kids and that he didn't appreciate the way some of her relatives treated me. And OH MY GOSHLY GOODNESS, GUESS WHAT SHE DID, SHE APOLOGIZED! She was very apologetic, wow, can someone check amd make sure that heck didn't freeze over or that my neighbor's pig doesn't have wings please??!! I am so utterly suprised that I had to tell someone. I am very impressed. WOW, that is all I can say, thank you God for all the miracles that you do

That's so cool, Stephanie! I'm glad that you feel a little better about the whole thing. Are those Brooke and JT's cousins? Those are really good pictures. It looks like they were having fun:)
Are you sure it wasn't because she read my nun chucks threat?
Ya know heather that may be a possibilty!!! Yeah, I am getting to where i feel a little better about it, but it still makes me mad to think about it, so i am trying to not think on it.
Steph - take it from me - a stepmom and other wife for over 24 years you are handling this the right way - Gina (the girls mom) and I get along very good now - we had our moments and they were bad - but we have a commom bond - the girls and the grandchildren and we actually email and call and have meals together and it is all about the children - we are just bystanders and the more gracious we are the more the kids love us. You are a strong woman and a great MOM - God knew what he was doing when he lead your family to you! You have a heart of gold and we all know how much your Jamey, Brooke and JT love you. You are their glue and rock!
Wow, aunt Deddie that was so incredibly sweet and just the kinda thing that I needed to hear! You made me cry. You all are so sweet and you comments are really helping me with all this.
Thank you.
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