Saturday, September 27, 2008
What about some rice krispy's??

Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
We have spirit yes we do!

Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: J.T spirit day
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Look ma, ponies!!!
Last night Jamey and I took the kids to the Cole Bros. Circus at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. We have been going there for the past couple of years. We missed last year though, but anyways, we love it. We always have so much fun. When we got there, they had the elephants out in a pin and we were so close to them that it was crazy, we got some really good pics with them in the background. We bought the V.I.P tickets so that we could be right up front and close to the action. We were so close that a clown "cried" on us and the wheel walking guy jumped down off the wheel and landed right in front of us! We had a great time, especially Jamey, he turns into a total kid at these things. He was so excited about seeing the elephants up close, made me drive around back so that we could sneek a peak at the ponies and camels, had to have a snocone (so did I) and looked like a little kid while eating it out of his purple tiger cup!! He is totally cute, he is so young at heart. He may have had more fun than some of the other children that were there! I love you baby, you make me smile. All in all we had a great night and got some cool pics of the whole thing as well.
Ohh, duh, I finally found something that i could totally run away to the circus and do. My favorite act was these girls they called the "Hair raising girls" that hung by their hair and just danced in the air. Umm, I could so do that!!!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 10:41 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Don't try this at home.
*CAUTION* Never pull out your camera phone at the dinner table, people who are normally nice and calm may turn into crazy beings that seem like they are all hopped up on some kinda street drug that shall remain nameless.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Can you believe it????
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:23 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Gonna try and be nice.
Okay I have to vent, but because of the situation i have to be nice!! Yuck! Okay Saturday after the men's prayer breakfast the family and i made the not so long, (but long enough to be boring) drive up to dawsonville, ga. We were headed to go to the kids aunt (from their egg donor's side ((wait is that mean?)) Elaina's house for her birthday party. Well, what a barrel of monkey fun that was. Okay i will say this, Elaina and her husband and children were so incredibly sweet and very kind and really made me feel at home. Well now on to the part where it gets hard to be nice, if looks could kill then i sure would be dead right now! The relatives knew Jamey (for obvious reasons) but a couple of times when Jamey tried to introduce me, i was given the most incredibly mean, evil, die looks that you have ever seen (and i thought that our family was good at that, they have us beat by miles). Some of them wouldn't even look at me or acknowledge that i was even there! I felt like a complete outcast, and here's the kicker to me, if it weren't for me orchestrating this whole stupid thing, the kids wouldn't have even been up there! And okay, correct me if I'm wrong but, when you haven't seen your children in oh, i don't know 3, 4 years, um wouldn't you spend as much time as possible soaking them in as you could while you can. Or would you spend like 45 minutes (collectively out of 4 hours that we stayed so that you could see them) with them while you spent the rest of the time doting all over your nieces and nephews and fawning all over you sisters husbands and mine (no jamey did not enjoy this and tried everything that he could to stay away from her)???? That my dear ladies will never happen again, i will tell you that much!!!
On a good note, i did get some cute pics of the kids and their cousins.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:45 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
After the storm, I could see through my kitchen window shade that the sky appeared to be pink, so I decided to go outside and look for myself. This is what I saw. The sky was incredible.
God is so amazing!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 7:52 PM 3 comments
Saturday Mornings!
I love Saturday mornings. Especially the ones when Jamey is home. Today I woke up to the sounds of my darling husband making coffee! After the coffee was made, he and I sat down in the living room and drank a cup. He read and I checked mail and news. It was so nice. It felt like a picture out of "Lady and the Tramp", when Jim dear and Darling were sitting in front of the fire place, drinking coffee, read the newspaper and talking. Stupid and corny I know, but it was very enjoyable. I couldn't find any actual pictures of this scene from the movie, however i did find this cute little pic that reminded me of the same scene, and for good reason. Any body know who the man in the picture is?
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:56 AM 4 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Baptist History.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 3:50 PM 2 comments