Saturday, May 31, 2008

What a great Saturday!

Oh man, I am so glad that we have Saturdays. No WORK. I told Brooke that I would take her to target today and I also wanted to go to JoAnns to look for some flannel ( I got some Katie ). But on the way I had to most brilliant idea, Pedicures! I really needed some relaxation. So we went to the shop next to Guitar Center. While we were waiting I called Jamey and asked him to come over and pick me out a color. So he came over and says, "Hey, why don't you get you nails done too" and then hands me his card. It was a good thing that Id was sitting down, because I would have needed to sit after that. I was so excited, I have never gotten both done on the same day! What a treat, what a dear sweet husband! So after all the pampering and shopping we headed over to pick up Brooke's friend Jamie C. so she could spend the night. They are so funny together.
Here's some cute pics of the 2...


4get2remember said...

Yay for manis and pedis!! I haven't had my nails done in about six or seven's sooo nice!

Unknown said...

I love your site girl. Made me feel good to read about you and look into you home. I found out about some of your hobbies, and such. I'll be back, I really love that video of Brook.