Thursday, May 22, 2008

Graduation and stuff!

So this past Tuesday was a busy day. At work we were getting ready for NAEYC all day...which by the way they came on Wednesday and Thursday and we won't know for like 2 months whether we got it or not, but the lady was very reassuring.. So yeah!!! Then after the crazy day at work I came home to pickup the kids and then get ready for my brother's graduation! My brother's graduation, that is still so weird to me. I mean, to me he is still like the power ranger loving, rat tail having, 5 year old, just starting school. It really makes me feel old. Anyway so we get there and wait for ever to see him walk and of course it starts raining really bad and I am stuck in the middle of nowheresville. So i left right after they called his name and still got home around 9:45pm
So here are
some pictures....

This is my mom and aunt Maria, my dad is in there some where..

And this is Mack, he sure thought the world of himself, let me tell you!


4get2remember said...

Aw yay! Congratulations Mack!!!

hahah guess how old that makes me feel? I was just watching a movie the other day of my 6th were there, all 18 months of you. Too adorable!!!!

Katie said...

yeah for mack! I hate it I missed it.