Saturday, May 31, 2008
What a great Saturday!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 7:51 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Graduation Day!
Congratulations Brooke Sullivan on "Graduating" the 5th grade. She was so excited that she was about to POP! She was also a little nervous too, she was the Special Speaker (valedictorian if you will) ((so she had to give a speech in front of everyone, and she did a marvelous job might I add)), she also had a solo in the School's song, received many awards, and a got a $25 gift card to Target for being Safety Patrol Captain. So, guess where we are going tomorrow.!!! Yep, Target! Yahoo. She did so great. I was so proud, I was tearing up the whole time that she was giving her speech. I can not believe how much she has grown up, even in the short time that I have been in her life. It was an especially emotional day for her dad, (don't tell him I told you), but his baby girl is going to middle school, and he doesn't want her to be that old yet....Awwww. It was very sweet. So after I had to jet off to work to get ready for my Pre-K graduation (blog at a later date, as soon as I get my pics, ((mom/dad!?!?)) ) Jamey decided to take the whole day off and spend it with Brooke. They went and ate, then lazed for a little while, played the Wii and then off to get big brother. It was a great day. Once again, Yeah Brooke!!! And now for some pics and videos! Here she is walking in.
Here she is standing to be recognized for one of her many awards ( i know that i am boasting, but i am proud!)
And again, award!
A quick hug from the Principal. The Principal gave a speech about Brooke, how cool is that, then Brooke came up on stage to give her speech!
Here she is giving her speech, looks like a professional huh?
Yeah, my moms camera had sound, so now you can hear her too.!!!
And here she is, getting her diploma!!!
And the after shot, happy as can be!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
My latest endeavor...
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!
It was so nice to have a day off! I really needed it. Although I do hate it that Jamey had to work, that was a bummer. But Brooke and I got to spend the day together and that was nice. We did a lot of running around, but both benefited from all the sales! We went to JCPENNY'S (got shoes and at a great price!), then off to JOAnn's where we purchased some awesome yarn and new knitting needles for Brooke and a crochet needle for me. We also found some really cute mini canvases and paint sets. Then we left there and went to my new absolute favorite store of all time....World Market. Oh man, the stuff that they have in there is so awesome. Everything you could ever want in a home decor store, so cool! After a few other stops, we came home and got started on our paintings, i think we did pretty good.... what do you think?
Here are the beginnings..
Brooke displaying her canvas for you..
Me, hard at work...
Brooke's finished project!!!
And mine.....My kitchen "theme" is red and black so I thought that maybe these would help bring it together a little bit more.
And Finally, hanging on my Kitchen wall...
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Graduation and stuff!
So this past Tuesday was a busy day. At work we were getting ready for NAEYC all day...which by the way they came on Wednesday and Thursday and we won't know for like 2 months whether we got it or not, but the lady was very reassuring.. So yeah!!! Then after the crazy day at work I came home to pickup the kids and then get ready for my brother's graduation! My brother's graduation, that is still so weird to me. I mean, to me he is still like the power ranger loving, rat tail having, 5 year old, just starting school. It really makes me feel old. Anyway so we get there and wait for ever to see him walk and of course it starts raining really bad and I am stuck in the middle of nowheresville. So i left right after they called his name and still got home around 9:45pm
So here are some pictures....
This is my mom and aunt Maria, my dad is in there some where..
And this is Mack, he sure thought the world of himself, let me tell you!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 4:50 PM 2 comments
Labels: mack graduation
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Arts and Crafts anyone?
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:47 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Car Show 2008
Jamey decided it would be super cool to enter J.T's car (a 73 Duster) into a car show, other wise known as the Mopar Classic. They entered his car into the Survivor's Series, they didn't win any thing but they had an absolute blast. They got to take their picture in Victory Lane, meet all kinds of cool people and their cars and last but not least they were allowed to drive (for a small fee of course!) on the Atlanta Motor Speedway for 11 laps and got the speedometer up very high I was told! I am so glad they had fun, but so glad that I had class that day.
This is and example of some of the fun that they were having!
Jamey is driving while J.T and Brooke are holding to whatever they can.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:09 PM 1 comments
J.T's ROTC Awards
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: J.T ROTC Awards Night
First Blog Ever!
So I decided to make my own blog site after seeing that a few others in my family have one and they look so neat and I thought that this would be a great way to keep up with all the fam...
This is a pic of Jamey and I at the braves game a few nights ago, and in a luxury box no less!!!! Awwwww!!!!!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 4:25 PM 2 comments