Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My husband is a Great Cook (and shopper!)

Well I just had to post this to let the world know how sweet Jamey is. Last week I was really sick and couldn't hardly get up to go to the bathroom, let alone do the grocery shopping or cooking. So Jamey volunteered to go for me! He really did really well too. He then even decides that he wants to cook! He bought some mixins for 15 Bean Soup ( I had never really heard of this, but he was excited about it! ) and some corn bread mix. He soaked the beans over night and everything. I was so proud! Well the next day he shows me his beautiful creation and was so proud of himself that he took pictures! He did very good and the cornbread was beautiful and the soup was great! Thank you baby.


4get2remember said...

I made cornbread last night! We had so much that it was in muffin tins, cake pans, and regular cornbread pans!

Looks yummy!