I got some really sad news today. One of the children that I have had in my class for over 3 years now, his father died today. I am just in complete shock. I just spoke to the man last night! There was a mix up last night at who was supposed to pick up the child, so he (the child) came and sat with me during our staff meeting until his dad came to get him. I spoke and then they left. The dad dropped the child at Burger King and then got into a accident. He was at the hospital all day, and then around 4:30 his mom called and told Mrs.Sharon that he had passed. I just cant explain what I am feeling, I am so sad. Not for me, but for the little boy, his sister and the mom. My heart is just breaking. And I am also sad that I never got around to asking him if he was saved or not. I pray that he was.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Thanks for letting me vent.

Bless his heart...how sad to lose your dad at such an early age...
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