I am going to try and keep this as light and witty as my post's normally are, but I need to write and I know that there aren't many people who still read this as often as they once did thanks to other revenues. But I have really been in kind of a funk lately, and really been questioning things lately as well. Things that I can admit i would never have thought that I would be questioning. Mostly WHY'S i guess. Why this, why that, why not this, why them, etc. Well today I had a "revelation"! How can I expect God to do for me, when I am not trusting in Him to do it for me. Sounds very simple, trust me, but it has taken me a little while to realize and actually admit this out loud as well. Don't get me wrong, my family and I are truly blessed beyond anything that I could ever imagine, so it's not that I am not getting blessings or things like that, but there is this one thing, that I want more than anything else in the whole entire world and it's just not happening, yet! And to be very honest the not happening of this one thing has had my whole world turned upside down for a little while now, and it was so stupid of me to give in to such a thing i know, but again, easier said than done I suppose. So any way, this post is not supposed to be about poor poor pitiful me, but that I have realized that without my trust in God for this thing, it could never happen. I am going to work really hard on trusting God that no matter what, this is what God has in store for my life and as sad as the thought of never having this happen is to me, I just have to trust that there is a reason beyond my pea brain understanding. I sometimes feel alone in this endeavor tho, I will admit that as well, don't get me wrong, I have an amazing husband who is the most supportive and caring man, but none of the people even remotely close to me seem to be having this problem, none that i want to talk to about it because I am ashamed, but I am not stupid in believing that I am truly alone, i mean i know that there are millions of people who face this same thing day in and day out just like me, but they aren't here with me. So one of my new things in 2010 is to just throw my brain out the window and listen to what God is putting in my heart, and to just TRUST, TRUST AND OBEY! Thanks for letting me vent/write! <3
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Little Odd for me....
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 1:28 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Yesterday was what I can officially call Thanksgiving. I cooked ( everything), we ate with family, then went and visited more family and ate some more. It was great, like when I was little. It was sooo much fun, being around the people you love, eating some amazing food and having wonderful fellowship. That is the way it should be. Thank God we didnt have to go and spend it with the ex again and wont have to from now on. See, next year will be her year again, but J.T is turning 18. This new age does not come without some mixed emotions, at least for me. I am glad for him that he will be 18 and wont have to deal with her and her crap anymore, but sad for me and Jamey because our son is all grown up and heck I just got him only a few short years ago. I wasn't sure how I would handle this situation, but now I can see it is going to be like any other mother who's child is all grown up and ready to move on. Anywho, of course she had to ruin the night, it was going too perfect i guess. But it just kills me, she can pick and chose when she calls and when she texts and answers back, but we have to answer her right away. Well last night Brooke spent the night with her auntie Gale and J.T said he didnt want to talk to her, so after a few ignored calls and texts she sends this: "I GUESS YOUR NOT GOING TO LET ME TALK TO MY KIDS ARE YOU"? Well this boiled a fire in my soul so deep I wanted to spit, but J.T got on the phone and well, she got to talk to him but, probably not about what she wanted to hear. Needless to say it was a very short phone call! But I just dont understand why some people cant take a hint. But other than this 30 minute catastrophe my day was incredibly perfect. One for the books I think!! Happy be-lated Thanksgiving to all my dear Family! I love you!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 7:18 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ignorance is Bliss!!??
Man it has been so long dear computer, I just have the urge to write, about what tho?? Hmm how about a update on the past month that I have been without many things. I had always heard the phrase "Ignorance is Bliss" and thought that I understood it, but never did I until now. I always thought that people who lived without t.v, phone and internet were just crazy and lunatics, until we recently had to get rid of these very things for money sake. Well I can honestly say that my family has never been closer or more "together" than we are right now. I will confess that for the first week, of course there were so many good things on the t.v that I wanted to see, but after a few more days of just getting other things done, and reading and studying the word of God as a family and playing games and all, I just kinda forgot all about it. Another thing that I just kinda forgot was the news, and I think that I am glad about this, sure there are the weather reports that I miss or the school closings and things but what I really dont miss is hearing about all the murders, chaos and crime that has completely riddled our world. Now I am not saying that I just think that because I am not hearing it every night at 4, 6, and 8 that it isn't happening, but it is just nicer all around in this household without all that added junk. We were for a little while getting "public" wifi on my internet and that was great and a way to find out things happening in the world, but then the blasted thing decided to die and we were without that for a entire month!!! Now I am not complaing, it was in the very capable hands of my loving father who was doing his very bestest to bring this baby back to life and he was able to succeed!!! But for that entire month where we were without any way to communicate to the outside world, besides our cell phones, life was nice. No interruptions, no bad news, no nothing but us together as a family. Within these next few weeks we are planning on turning the cable and all back on, but I must say that I am sad for that day to come, I honestly am, I just know that when that day comes I will once again lose my family to that dreaded box on top of the fireplace! I will weep when that day comes.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Coolest thing ever
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Happy Father's Day 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Getting ready for V.B.S
This years VBS is going to be awesome, i am not going to give away to much info or anything, if you want to know you'll just have to come and watch the show!!! But Jamey is the Godfather, i will say that much! He is so handsome!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Life gets busy...
Wow, it has been quite awhile since i have last posted anything, when i do get on the internet i am trying to keep up with myspace and facebook! There is soooo much going on right now, we are filming for VBS, which is going great and is so much fun, working, trying to keep house and raise kids, school, summer stuff, personal stuff, all this and much more and still i try to keep up with some personal goals here and there. Believe me, i do know that i am not the only one with all this going on! We are very much enjoying our new house, and believe me one of these days i will have a house warming party and have my family over! It's so nice to not have to be right on top of someone, we dont even have to be in the same side of the house. It is crazy when you know that everyone is home, but because there is so much more space than the trailer, you can't hear a thing. We were recently blessed with a wonderful new grill, so Jamey has been treating me and grilling everynight to give me a break from the cooking, it has been sooo nice. And what is even nicer is that even if it is raining we can still cook out because of our lovely covered back patio, yeah! My life's not all peaches and cream tho, I do imploy you for your prayers...work is getting really crazy(although the kid that was threatening to kill me, pulled a knife on me, and kicks,hits,bites,spits and calls me numerouse bad names unspeakable on here is leaving!!!) my boss is losing it, no matter what me and a coworker do it's never the right thing, the kids are super crazy and summer is coming which is not gonna help, and various other things which for now i am going to leave unmentioned until i can set some things in stone. But please pray for me i am definetly going to need them. I am going to try and be better and update at least more than ever few months! Hope everyone has a great memorial day weekend and stay dry!!!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Internet makes me feel like a person!
Okay, so we are officially moved in now, i have pictures and now we also have the internet! I feel like I have just transported through time in the 5 minutes we went from having no phone or internet to the minute that they came on and lit ip my life! Stupid, but for real though! So all went well with the move. I moved some little things that thurs, and fri. with the help of and mom and then in the nights me and jamey and the kids would move a little more. Saturday the 31st was the big move day and we got it all done by about 4:00 pm in about 4 different trips. I was so proud of all of those that helped: Me, Jamey, Brooke, J.t, Tom, Mom, Dad and Mack. The boys worked their butts off and without them it would have taken forever. We still have no furniture in the living room, except for the t.v (but we dont have cable), but other than that everything important is unpacked. Any and all are welcome to stop by and see the house whenever you want.
Enjoy the photo book that I made!
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Again I just really wanted to say thank you for all who helped! thank you. oh and for the plates, i love my grown up katie plates, as i call them!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Quick Update..................really quick!
We have signed the papers, we officially move in at the end of the month!!! Yeah, I am so excited! All must come and see the house when we are done, maybe even help me throw a house warming party or something.. oh, just puttin the feelers out there.. if anyone knows where we could find a decent dining room set for an incredible value, please let me know! Thanks so much!
Luvs! ;)
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:27 PM 5 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Some things aren't really as ever bad as they seem, sometimes....
Well, yesterday has come and gone,more painless than I thought! I guess that i was expecting some life changing moment in time or something, crossing over some imaginary threshhold or something, i don't know. But as I said, my birthday has come and gone without even the blinking of an eye, over! I took the day off work, had lunch with my mom, Jamey took me 2 Olive garden and then we went and hung out at Barnes and Nobles and sat at the coffee shop for a little while, overall it was fun.
*Oh update, Mr.Garner called today and said that he wouldn't be here on monday as originally planned, but asked if instead we would come sign the papers tomorrow, ummm, YEAH, no prob there! So maybe tomorrow night i'll be able to talk about the signing of the papers! Yeah, i can't wait! Oh i wanted to post a very special THANK YOU to Christie and Christie's Sweet Treats for my most delectable cake! I will post pics of that soon and the house as well.
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I figured while i was counting down things, why not this too!?!
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Been awhile.....
Wow, i can't believe how long it has been since I last posted something, anything on here. I totally missed Christmas and New Years. I am very sorry, and my only excuse is that I have been extremely busy, and also that I was scared that if I wrote down on "paper" what was going on that it would fall through and wouldn't happen. But i think it''s close enough now to be safe to tell everyone that we are moving!!!! To the most beautiful house that I have ever seen! I am so excited about the whole thing. We are moving at the end of this month, what a way to start off the year, i am still in shock at the awesome, amazing deal that God has bestowed upon us. Now I understand why God was shutting all those doors and and not opening any others. God is so awesome, as soon as i can i will post some pics of the place so all may enjoy!!! hehe
*Christmas was great, the kids came out with way more than they could have hoped for and Jamey got a big suprise himself (he got an xbox 360!!)!! Christmas was great, even though two nights before i had to take Jamey to the hospital for his cellulitis, but thank God we caught it early and they were able to just send him home with antibiotics and that because of this, Deana came to our house Christmas night to spend time with the kids and as extremely crazy uncomfortable as that was, Christmas was great. I am so glad that it is over!
*New Years was also great. We spent the night before praying in the new year at church, what a great blessing that was. I always love doing that. Then on New Year's Day i went to the movies with a bunch of girls, which was very nice to have some girl time and much needed.
Now onto more important things, Jan.16th is my birthday and I cant believe how old i am going to be. No ,really dont laugh, I know to anyone else 24 doesn't sound old, but to me, ive never been this old before and i dont know, maybe i just thought that maybe i would have had a few more things accomplished personally by now, i dont know, but for the first time i am not the most excited about my bday! But i'll try to post some pics soon.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Posted by Sew Happy Momma at 5:46 PM 2 comments