Saturday, July 5, 2008

Charity's Homecoming

Today was our churches Anniversary. I can not believe that the church had been together for 12 years. I have loved every year that I have been there. I have pretty much grown up there. I have a lot of fond memories and so far my favorite by far is meeting my husband and my two kids. That sounds kinda wierd! But I really just want to thank my cousin Katie for inviting me all those years ago, and thank Pastor Chuck, Mrs.Beverly and of course Pastor Michael ( without P.Michael and his teaching all those years I shudder to think where I would be ) for all there teaching, preaching and love. What a day of fun!

This has to be the neatest picture, the kids are still, but the background is moving!

Mr.Jamey and his little coyote den finder!!

I loved spending time with my lil cuz. Thank you so much for letting me watch her Katie!

My brother sure is stupid!!!!